Kick-off-Meeting des VISA-Projektes fand in Bremen statt

The first project meeting of VISA took place in Bremen at the coordination partner DECOIT GmbH at 10. August 2011. The DECOIT GmbH works on the project management and the development of existing virtualisation solutions. Additionally the company is interested in the deployment of such solutions in customer’s networks.  The Linux distribution company Collax GmbH will work on its own software to implement several improvements for simplicity of implementation and tools. Currently Collax offers already graphical tools for SMEs for an easier handling, which can be improved.  Fraunhofer SIT will work on the conception and the development of the solution of VISA. SIT is a big player on the IT security market and has various projects with different alignments. The University of Applied Sciences in Dortmund had the idea of the project originally. They have a virtual test-bed which can be used maybe for the other partners in the future. IT-Security@Work (ISW) consults bigger SMEs regarding IT security and establishment of IT solutions. Therefore ISW is interested in to consult the VISA solution and gets new know-how regarding privacy and IT security. Additionally the Australian partner NICTA will work in the project, because they have developed their own framework for software deployment and analysis.

Kick-off-Meeting in Bremen

On the first meeting in August, beside administrative things the website was discussed. The language of the website will be English and German, because the project wants to address the international market. The URL address has been registered for the project and will be hosted by the DECOIT GmbH. The design and the structure will also be prepared from them. After all the communication platform has been discussed, which also include telephone conferences continuously for the exchange of project results.  

Additionally the partners talked about the first workpackage AP2 and distributed work. The project will start with the definition of various user scenarios to define after all a generic scenario as basis for the further development. AP2 is separated in the definition of the scenarios and the requirement analysis. If both works have been finished, the development of the VISA solution can start. Because of the less complexity small SMEs will not focused on. The target market is the bigger SME companies. One problem is that SMEs are either not able to give enough information of their IT infrastructure or block information because of security reasons. The topic cloud computing will also be addressed in VISA. That means a big work bandwidth which can be covered by all partners. Summaries the entire project should define the targets with realism, because the project will finish in two years.

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