On this site the projects, vendors, and institutes are listed, which cooperate with the project VISA.
Data nuts, data misuse, data leaks, identity theft, illegal monitoring ... the respective messages are available on everyday life. The incidents happen in big quantity, why everybody has a problem to get an overview about it. The project "Projekt Datenschutz" wants to give an overview about the different cases. It has been founded in September 2009 of the PR-COM, agency for strategy enterprise communication and PR in Munich. The agency collects data nuts, data scandals, and other data events in enterprises, authorities, and organisations.
In the last years, mobile phones and other mobile devices have become more and more our companions and belong to the working equipment of many people. In many areas of our business and private life, various activities are not possible any more without mobile phones. With this trend, a stronger complexity of systems goes along, which influences the security and trustworthiness of mobile systems. VOGUE has been developed with Trusted Computing (TC) technology a better IT security of Android systems. |
The ESUKOM project aims to develop a real-time security solution for enterprise networks that works based upon the correlation of metadata. A key challenge for ESUKOM is the steadily increasing adoption of mobile consumer electronic devices (smartphones) for business purposes which generates new threats for enterprise networks. The ESUKOM approach focuses on the integration of available and widely deployed security measures (both commercial and open source) based upon the Trusted Computing Group’s IF-MAP specification. |
Network and Data Security (NDSec) is one of the important research fields in Applied Computer Science faculty at the University of Fulda. This research group is focusing on several and crucial topics in Networking and Data Security. These are:
Cryptographic methods and its implementation in e-commerce, Network Security, Intrusion Detection Systems, Data Mining, and Machine Learning techniques. |
In the last years within the industrial information technology (IIT) a trend to mobile and open access networks is abailable. Therewith in critical infrastructures (KRITIS) new and proprietary technologies of IIT, embedded systems (ES), and remote maintenance (SCADA) has been connected on Ethernet basis. By this connection all systems will be available through the Internet and new hacking possibilities arise for a new dimension of sabotage. These IT security problems within IIT is the research topic of the developer group at ESCI. The goal is the development of suitable security concepts and security algorithms under the consideration of the special requirements of ES.