This section shall give external persons the possibility to get new information around the project VISA. Additionally, new aspects will be presented within the field of IT security, virtualisation, and trusted computing.
Dez. 19, 2013
Final report of the results of VISA is available now
Okt. 8, 2013
VISA demonstrator is available now
Sep. 23, 2013
VISA consortium presented its project results in Darmstadt
Sep. 20, 2013
DECOIT GmbH and FH Dortmund presented the project VISA at the D.A.CH Security...
Sep. 14, 2013
DECOIT and NICTA presented the project VISA at the conference IDAACS 2013
Sep. 12, 2013
Final project meeting took place in Bremen between 10th and 11th of September
Apr. 24, 2013
VSA-SRA for the secure access of mobile devices has been shown at the latest TCG...
Apr. 17, 2013
5th project meeting took place in Dreieich at the partner IT-Security@Work
Apr. 4, 2013
PlugFest of the Trusted Computing Group (TCG) with participation of VISA
Nov. 21, 2012
4th project meeting in Sydney by the partner NICTA
Sep. 27, 2012
VISA's project results were presented at the conference DACH Security in...
Sep. 21, 2012
VISA was presented at the IDAACS conference for wireless technologies
Sep. 19, 2012
BMBF Congress in Dresden with a presentation of VISA
Aug. 9, 2012
Cooperation meeting between the projects VISA and ESCI in Frankfurt (Oder)
Aug. 9, 2012
2nd developer meeting took place in Bremen at DECOIT GmbH
Jun. 11, 2012
3rd project meeting of the research project VISA
Feb. 17, 2012
First developer meeting took place in Bremen
Dez. 9, 2011
Second project meeting of VISA took place at the partner Fraunhofer SIT in...
Sep. 28, 2011
Kick-off-Meeting des VISA-Projektes fand in Bremen statt